Teacher’s Roles

Teacher’s Roles

1. The teacher plays a pivotal role in running a residential institution on the right lines. His positive attitude, devotion, and deep sense of commitment go a long way in creating excellent academic and grooming environments for cadets thus transitioning raw students into mature and responsible cadets. He is, therefore, expected to do the following:-

  1. The teacher is a role model for his students who see him as perfect individual possessing qualities of head and heart. He must, therefore, endeavor to come up to their expectations.
  2. The teacher must dress up immaculately giving due consideration to the choice of colors befitting various occasions.
  3. The teacher must prepare his lesson thoroughly and use best possible methods of instruction to disseminate his knowledge to the students without any ambiguity. He must encourage participation / questioning by the students to ensure that all of them have understood the lesson. He must also ask questions to determine their level of comprehension.
  4. A teacher’s job is not just teaching his subject but he also bears responsibility for moral upbringing of his students.
  5. The teacher should be upright and truthful, so that the boys or Girls trust him/her.
  6. The teachers should interact freely with the students, yet keep an arm’s distance from them.
  7. Good language should be used at all times. The teacher must keep his composure even in anger and should not use profane language even under extreme provocation. He must not speak to the Cadets in any language except English.
  8. The teacher must never get personal with cadets. He must be polite and tolerant, yet firm in his dealings.
  9. The teacher must never discuss his personal problems / matters with cadets.
  10. The teacher must always check a cadet even for a small mistake. “Look the other way” policy is not right for the College discipline.
  11. In a residential institution like ours, a teacher is watched at all times. He should, therefore, never lower his guards.
  12. A teacher must try to motivate the Cadets to bring out the best in them.
  13. Teaching profession demands total commitment and full devotion.
  14. The teacher must realize that he is engaged in the sacred task of nation building.
  15. The teacher should be morally sound.
  16. A teacher will be respected for his “Superior Conduct and Superior Knowledge”.
  17. All teachers must work as a team with the same goal in mind.
  18. Following lessons from life are laid down as guidelines for dealing with Cadets to develop their personalities:-

(1)       A child that lives with ridicule learns to be timid.

(2)       A child that lives with criticism learns to condemn.

(3)       A child that lives with distrust learns to be deceitful.

(4)       A child that lives with antagonism learns to be hostile.

(5)       A child that lives with affection learns to love.

(6)       A child that lives with encouragement gains confidence.

(7)       A child that lives with truth learns justice.

(8)       A child that lives with praise learns to appreciate.

(9)       A child that lives with sharing learns to be considerate.

(10)     A child that lives with patience learns to be tolerant.

(11)     A child that lives with happiness learns to love.