Online Admissions

Brig.(R) Khalid Nazir SJ, SI(M) – Principal

Pothohar Cadet College (PCC), a newly established residential academic institution, is a Flagship Education Project aimed at ushering in a new era of modern and scientific education in Punjab / country in general and Pothohar Region in particular. The Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) and Instructions for Cadets enumerated in this compendium are aimed at clearly defining the rules of business and duties / responsibilities of various office bearers, staff members and code of conduct for cadets besides laying down detailed procedures and rile for admission, discipline, appointments, accounting, contracts, construction and repair / renovation work, purchase of stores and their storage / disposal, leave, withdrawal and dismissals etc.
Relevant portions of these SOPs and Instructions must be read and understood by all concerned for strict and timely implementation to ensure upholding of excellent standards and traditions, i.e. academic excellence, good conduct, discipline and efficient administration.
Ignorance of rules of business and procedures shall not (and cannot) be taken as an excuse for default.