Important College Rules


Discipline is one of the most important ingredients for success in life.  Life must be regulated according to the laid down principles, rules and regulations. On joining Pothohar Cadet College Chakwal, the cadets are raw and in their formative years. They need constant guidance, motivation and persuasion for willing adherence. It must be understood that the best method of inculcating “self-discipline” is through “Personal Example” by all members of the Faculty/staff. Hence, teachers are expected to present themselves as “Role Models”. Following guide lines are laid down to create / maintain environment of good discipline in the College:-

  1. The College Code of Conduct should be upheld.
  2. The teachers must try to impress upon the cadets the importance of code of conduct and try to inculcate these qualities in the boys and girls.
  3. Truth should be supported and respected under all circumstances.
  4. The cadets should be taught to take pride in their “Alma-mater”.
  5. Everyone should try to create an atmosphere in the College which is congenial for learning and creative activities.
  6. The policy of persuasion instead of punishment should be adopted.
  7. The Mosque should be used to instill in cadets the Islamic Values. Khateeb, in consultation with Principal and Vice Principal should deliver sermons on topics related to the needs of the cadets/youth.
  8. The importance of Names should be impressed upon the cadets and we must all try to persuade the cadets to offer their prayers regularly in the mosque. This can be achieved by setting personal example by the teachers.
  9. Important religious days and national days should be celebrated and renowned speakers should be invited to deliver talks.
  10. The deeds and achievements of great men should be narrated to the cadets and morals should be drawn from these talks.
  11. Each member of the staff must check, guide and take corrective action on the spot when he observes something wrong being done.
  12. The Principal should address Cadets off and on.


The following are placed out of bounds for Cadets:-

  1. Staff Bungalows, the drives and roads connecting them.
  2. Quarters of Grade IV staff.
  3. Kallar Kahar Lake except for organized canoeing/fishing/rafting etc under the supervision of staff.
  4. The College estate apart from the classrooms, the dining hall, the houses and the roads connecting them after sun set.
  5. Pump House.
  6. All offices in the Administrative Block except when a cadet has been particularly summoned to an office.
  7. The Staff Room and Staff bathrooms.
  8. The roof of the College Block.
  9. All main switch boards and fuse boxes.
  10. Valley behind the Wings, neighboring villages, Bus stand except visiting hours.
  11. Hospital wards except visiting hours.
  12. Cadets are not allowed to drive private vehicles in the College.


Leave other than the holidays authorized by the College will not be granted except in very exceptional circumstances. No leave will be granted for attending weddings/funerals, except the wedding of real brother, sister or funerals of close blood relations.

Week-end Leave. For every term there will be a fixed number of week-ends that cadets may avail. Parents / guardians are required to intimate to the House Master as to where they would like their sons / wards to spend their week-ends, at home with them or with relatives or friends. The name and address of the relative / friend with whom the cadet will spend his week-end will also to be intimated to the House Master.

Telephone Calls

Cadets may make or receive telephone calls in the respective houses (after office timings till lights off but not during prep / rest and games timings). On Sundays / Closed Holidays the calls can be made throughout the day.

Journey to College / Home.

It will be the responsibility of the parents / guardians to arrange safe journey of their sons /daughters / wards for going home and back to the college at the beginning and end of breaks / holidays / week-ends. However, where possible, the college may arrange journey by road and in groups on behalf of the parents

Accidents / Mishaps

 The College will adopt all possible measures for the safety of the Cadets during their stay on the College Campus. However, college shall not be held responsible for any kind of accidents / mishaps causing any kind of physical harm or injury during stay in the college or while travelling to and from the college.


All correspondence pertaining to the cadets is to be addressed to the Principal (by designation).

Visitors / Guests.

Parents/guardians can visit their Sons/Daughters/ wards only at the Sunday times at following times:-

  1. Summers             9:00 A.M to    6:00 P.M

              (April to Sep)

  1. Winters               9:00 A.M   to    4:00 P.M