General Facilities

World Class Teaching, Learning & Boarding Facilities


Pothohar Cadet College (PCC), a newly established residential academic institution, is a Flagship Education Project aimed at ushering in a new era of modern and scientific education in Punjab / country in general and Pothohar Region in particular. The Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) and Instructions for Cadets enumerated in this compendium are aimed at clearly defining the rules of business and duties/responsibilities of various office bearers, staff members, and code of conduct for cadets besides laying down detailed procedures and rile for admission, discipline, appointments, accounting, contracts, construction and repair/renovation work, purchase of stores and their storage/disposal, leave, withdrawal and dismissals, etc.
Relevant portions of these SOPs and Instructions must be read and understood by all concerned for strict and timely implementation to ensure the upholding of excellent standards and traditions, i.e. academic excellence, good conduct, discipline, and efficient administration.
Ignorance of rules of business and procedures shall not (and cannot) be taken as an excuse for default.


The college hostels hosts about 200 cadets. It is supervised by a House Master, an Assistant House Master, a House Tutor & an Assistant House Tutor. Evening preps enhance the effect of boarding and the House Staff render great services in guiding the boarding cadets.  The facilities of washing; ironing & cleaning are available to all the cadets. Social evenings & dinner nights heighten the effect of boarding life.


The College Masjid is the center of all religious activities. It has the capacity to accommodate about 500 Namazies at a time. Besides the daily 5 times prayers, Jumma Prayers, and Travis Prayers in Ramadan are also offered in this beautiful Masjid. Moreover, other religious functions like Eid-Milad-un-Nabi, Shab-e-Barat, 27 Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, etc are also performed here. A regular Khateeb and Moazzan (both Hafiz e Quraan) have been appointed to fulfill these desires

Security System

The PCC is completely secured and well-guarded through an efficient security system. The safety and security of the cadets is our first priority. Every effort has been made to ensure foolproof security and further efforts are initiand in this regard.


The College Hospital has four beds ward for the Cadets. It is looked after by a PCC resident Medical Officer who is assisted by the other medical staff. All minor diseases & causalities are treated at the hospital but for specialized treatment and in case of serious illness or injury the patients are referred to the DHQ Chakwal and M.H. Rawalpindi, according to the entitlement of the Cadet’s parents. Medical charges etc, if any, on the treatment in an outside hospital, will be charged to the cadets.


Learning table manners is an important element of training. Where ever one may be i.e. at home or in a social gathering, a party etc. to appear civilized or gentlemanly one must display good etiquettes. Thus there is a need to train our cadets in this aspect including use of table ware.

Computer Lab

The College has a spacious, well-equipped and Air-Conditioned Computer Lab .The Lab is equipped with twenty five Core i7 computers for students and one for the office work; all connected to the Main Server and provide full multimedia support. It also provides the facility of shared Printers and Scanners. Multimedia Projectors are also installed in the Lab to make the lectures more interesting and interactive.

Sports Field

Extra-Curricular Activities – Games

All games will be governed by the rules prescribed by the Sports Control of sports committee. The division of games will be as under:-

  • Indoor Games
  • Outdoor Games

Note: In all games, whether indoor or outdoor, the classes taking the Board Examinations may or may not participate as decided by the Sports Committee.


The library is a place for scholarly activities. It provides facilities for rand eading, researcha , therefore, work besitodes variety of books to cater for interests of all kinds. It is therefore necessary that the place sa hould provide peaceful environment and users must maintain good discipline and silence.

High Speed Internet

The college has speedy net facility proper access is available in LRC (learning Resources Center) in which students can search any topic easily. Meanwhile Cadets are facilitated with online lectures.

Electricity Backup

A heavy, automatic, and efficient generator meet the needs of power crisis thus providing electricity to the whole Campus at needed times.