Duty of Charter Head of Department

Duty of – Heads of Departments

 They shall perform the following duties in addition to their normal teaching workload:-

  1. Holding a periodic meeting to coordinate the work of the teachers of their respective departments.
  2. Organize the distribution of the syllabus of each class into weekly units over the whole year as under:(Specimen at Annex B-1)

            (1)       Teaching, practicals etc.    :           90%

            (2)       Revision                                :           5%

            (3)       Unforeseen                           :           5%

            (4)       Distribution of syllabus into units should indicate the following:-

                        (a)       Chapter

                        (b)       Section, Article, Topic

                        (c)        Exercise, Questions, etc

                        (d)       Any other information to specify the details

(5)       Monitor the progress of teaching of each teacher in the department and ensure uniformity of teaching.

(6)       Prepare to make plan for each examination and coordinate marking.

(7)       Review at least 10% of marked papers of each class, and section and assess the progress of weak students.

(8)       Guide and advise new teachers.

(9)       Occasionally visit various classes of the teachers of the department to ensure uniformity of teaching.

(10)     Recommend leave of the teachers and rearrange classes whenever anyone is sick, on leave, in consultation with the VP.

(11)     Assist Selection Committee with the selection of new teachers for the department.

(12)     Supervise, and oversee the written work of the students.

  1. Heads of Physics, Chemistry, Biology Department, and Computer Section shall perform the following additional duties:-

(1)       Make arrangements for the purchase of the apparatus and other materials required for their respective laboratories, subject to the approval of the Principal.

(2)       Ensure that the apparatus in their charge are kept in good working condition.

(3)       Supervise the setting up of apparatus in the laboratory for various practical classes.

(4)       Supervise the work of the Laboratory staff.

(5)       Maintain Stock Registers and Breakage Registers.