Conduct Expected of a Cadet

a.  A very high standard of behavior and bearing is expected of a cadet at all times and places. People judge the standard of an educational institution by the behavior of its students and graduates.

b.  Be truthful and honest at all times and in all your dealings, even if it looks to be harmful to you or your friends. Lies do not pay and your words lose their value and you go down in the estimation of others. A cadet is considered a model of uprightness, cleanliness and tidiness. You must stay clean, decently dressed and tidy. If a cadet is smartly and properly dressed, he receives positive response from others. For details on dress, refer to Cadets Dress Rules given in Section – N of the College Compendium

c.   Cadets are known for their punctuality. It is unbecoming of a cadet to be late on duty or parade. Repeated complaints will render the defaulter liable to punishment.

Dress up Decently

A.  In cadet college life, dress is specified for every occasion. If a cadet is wearing authorized dress of correct specifications, for a particular occasion, he is properly dressed.
B.  Colored socks and unauthorized pattern of shoes must not be worn with uniform.

c.   Wearing of an unauthorized item/ornament i.e. ring, chain, bracelet etc is improper.
D.  Wear decent colored plain shirts or shirts with their vertical lines on formal occasions/with necktie. Broad stripes and check pattern shirts be avoided.
E.  Whereas it is customary to wear appropriate dress/uniform for functions, on formal/informal occasions, it would be wrong for a cadet to attend an official function casually dressed and it would be equally wrong for him to wear uniform at purely private functions and parties.
F.    Your turnout, bearing, language and behavior both in and out of the college must be such as to command respect and envy of public.
G.  Turnout in all dresses including uniform must be smart. Avoid cheap cloth, shocking /indecent colors and poor tailoring.

Physical Fitness

Maintain and promote your health. Be conversant with the fundamental principles of hygiene. Take physical exercise and bath daily. You will improve your physique and figure. Watch against obesity, which tarnishes your image as a cadet. Slight care will protect you from malaria, cholera, cold, hepatitis and many other infectious diseases. Some Important tips of personal health and hygiene are as follows:-

a. Take exercise and bath daily to keep fit, agile and well-built.

b. Trim you nails on every Friday.

c. Get your hair cut every week. DO not wear long hair. Keep your hair clean and well combed.

d. Ensure your under-shave (Shaving of hair in armpits and below belly button) fortnightly. Gillet Bik Body Razor is recommended for safe and easy shaving.

e. Be 100% sure that Barber uses fresh blade for haircut of every Cadet. DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO USE OLD BLADES/RAZORS.

f.  Always wash your hands with soap after visiting toilet.

g. Wash your hands with soap both before and after the meals.

h. Always keep your eatables dully covered and protected from dust, flies, insects and mice.

i. Never eat fruit and raw vegetables without washing these with clean water.

j.  Drinking water should always be consumed from authorized /provided sources.

k. Do not ignore minor ailments, report to the Doctor for any illness and avoid self-medication.

l. Protect yourself from extreme weather, use warm clothes when exposed to cold weather.

m. Avoid junk foods. Most of these are not only unhygienic but also harmful to your health, because of substandard ingredients/food colors.

n. Take your meals regularly, avoid over eating, eating in a hurry and munching while walking.

o. Do not take water during and immediately after the meals. You may consume at least 30 minutes after the meals.

p. Brush your teeth regularly, ideally after every meal and minimum essential is before going to bed. It is advisable to change the brand of tooth paste regularly. Use of “MISWAK” is very useful and Sunnat-e-Rasoolullah (SAW). Use it while making ablution five times a day.

q. Do not use steel pins, wires and common straw as toothpick to clean your teeth. Make use of proper toothpick /floss whenever needed.

r. Take bath immediately if you have had a nightfall etc. Follow the Islamic way of taking a bath.

Greetings and Saluting

It is an old custom of the service for military officers and Muslims to greet one another. The normal greeting to seniors, teachers and military officers would be “Assalam-u-alaikum Sir” and “Good Morning Sir” to Non-Muslim seniors. The verbal greetings of “Assalam-u-alaikum” will always be followed by normal salute (When in uniform). Shaking hand as part of greeting is a matter of choice and privilege of the seniors.

Mess Mannerism

a.  Preserve the dignity and decorum of your Mess.

b. Consider and ensure the comfort of other cadets.

c. Be sure that you are properly dressed before you enter the mess. For details refer to Cadets’ Mess Rules given in Section – N of College Compendium.

d. A cadet must possess complete dresses given in the compendium. It’s a matter of pride for the cadets.

e.  Whenever teachers or senior officers come to the Ante Room, stand up, wish them and offer him seat; but do not be stiff or too formal with them. A senior cadet is also given this courtesy.

f. Cadets should not be shy of entering into conversation with teachers and officers in the mess, especially at meals.

g. While in Ante Room, stand up when speaking to or spoken by a senior, if he is standing.

h. Before changing a channel or tuning TV or Receiver, ask the senior member present, if he has no objection.

i. Treat the mess staff and waiters with consideration. Do not lose temper or shout at them. If you are not satisfied with the service, report the matter to the House Master or Duty Officer or Adjutant.

j.    Help the mess staff to keep the mess in order and tidy.

Financial Matters

a.  A gentleman never writes a cheque for more than what he has in the bank. Remember, a dishonored cheque is a disgrace and a serious offence.

b. Never issue or sign a blank cheque.

c.   Always acknowledge the receipt of money, no matter from whom it comes, you are only covering yourself.

d. Always regulate your expenditure in order to live within your means. If you find yourself to be hard-pressed, do not hesitate to consult your teachers, seniors and parents. Avoid borrowing from others (canteen, fellow cadets, staff etc.)

e.  Try to be as frugal as you can, without impairing your living standard.

f. Your small savings, if invested well, will see you through in difficult times.

g. Do not indulge in overspending and luxuries. Competition in this regard must always be avoided.

DO’S and DON’T’S

a. DO offer your prayers regularly.

b. DO recite The Glorious Quran with translation every day. This is very important to understand religion in its true perspective.

c. DO fulfill your obligations towards your parents, teachers, and elders.

d. DO help the needy without giving it publicity.

e. DO not slouch when in uniform, and maintain a dignified posture. Putting hands in pockets while standing /walking is NOT a dignified posture.

f. DO preserve your environment. Always make use of Waste Bins for disposal of garbage both in the college or elsewhere. This speaks of one’s civic sense and polished manners.

g. DO flush or wipe the wash basin when you blow your windpipe/nostrils in the wash basin.

h. DON’T ever lose your temper; it may result in unreasonable acts or utterances that ultimately cause repentance.

i. DON’T use foul language.

j. DON’T fail to tick off your college mates if you hear them speaking disrespectfully to teachers, seniors and your institution. Remember, respectful is always respected.

k. DON’T ride a motorcycle without a crash helmet. It is important for your safety.

l. DON’T hurt the ego and respect of others. There is always a nice way to communicate.

m. DON’T use antimony (surma), cheap quality perfumes, mufflers, and hair oils while in uniform.

n. DON’T allow your hair to grow extraordinarily long. Hair should be properly trimmed and kept tidy/well combed.

o. DON’T chew beetles (paan) or chewing gums whilst in uniform or in mess/formal functions. In fact, avoid these at all times.

p. DON’T spit around unnecessarily. Make use of the washroom if unavoidable.

q. DON’T leave the toilet unflushed and dirty after you use it. Remove any wastes/wrappers that you have used and disposed of these properly.

r. DON’T leave empty shampoo bottles, toothpaste tubes, sachets, soap wrappers, used razors, and other waste items in the bathrooms. You must dispose of such wastes properly in waste bins.

s.  DON’T use western-styled commodes by stepping over the seat cover. Clean the wastewater over the seat with toilet paper, before you leave the toilet. Remember this is a community courtesy and someone else will also be doing this for you.

t. DON’T wastewater, electricity, etc., and conserve these resources as far as possible.

u. DON’T pluck the flowers and plant leaves, it amounts to killing these.

v. DON’T ignore any abnormal observation. You must inform the Duty Officer, House Master, or Adjutant about any such observations.